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Professional Development

 Workshops/courses were developed in association with The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and is partially underwritten by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Committee for the Performing Arts.

Kennedy Center Partners in Education

Photo of Lorena Cervantes smiling

Florida Ecology, Literacy and Creative Movement

Tuesday, November 5
Workshop Leaders: Lorena Cervantes
Recommended for Teachers of Grades K-5

Lorena Cervantes is a national workshop leader for The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. She brings over a decade of experience as the Arts-Integration dance teacher at Bailey’s Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences. And Lorena worked for over fifteen years as a Master Artist for the Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning through the Arts where she led residencies and professional development workshops throughout the United States and abroad.

Disney Musicals in Schools is an educational initiative of the Kravis Center that develops sustainable musical theatre programs in Palm Beach County public elementary schools.

Made possible through a grant by


Using the unique world of musical theater, Disney Musicals in Schools helps to foster positive relationships between students, faculty, staff, parents, and the community.  Students and teachers work in teams, developing the wide spectrum of skills needed when producing a piece of musical theater, including: critical thinking, problem solving, ensemble building, communication, self-confidence, and interpersonal skills. Our goal is to provide the training necessary for teachers to continue a tradition of theater education for years to come.


The Disney Musicals in Schools program is an outreach initiative developed by Disney Theatrical Group to create sustainable theater programs in elementary schools.  The program was launched in 2010 in response to Disney Theatrical Group’s concern that under-resourced public elementary schools were not afforded equitable access to the arts. After successfully offering the program in New York City schools, Disney Theatrical Group began collaborating with organizations in other communities across the United States.

Our Collaboration

In the 2017-2018 school year, the Kravis Center launched its first year of this collaboration with four Title I elementary schools in Palm Beach County. At no cost to them, the selected schools participated in a 17-week musical theater residency, led by a team of teaching artists trained by the Kravis Center and Disney Theatrical Group. Each school received guidance from the teaching artists, performance rights, and education support materials.

With a professional development focus, participating educators collaborate with Kravis Center teaching artists to learn how to produce, direct, choreograph and music direct their first school show.  The program culminates in a 30-minute Disney KIDS musical at each school.  As a capstone to the experience, in April the Kravis Center hosts a Student Share Celebration.  First year schools perform one number from their show on our Dreyfoos Hall stage for an audience of students, teachers, family, and community members.

In year two, the Kravis Center selected four more Title I elementary schools to participate in this program while continuing the work of creating sustainable musical theater programs with the original four schools using Disney KIDS musicals.