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2025-02-10 8:41 am


Neuro Arts Conference demostration

Mar 29, 2025 |Picower Foundation Arts Education Center

Fredrick Johnson, Conference Curator
Dr. Indre Viskontas, Keynote Speaker

Nationally recognized leaders explore interconnection of the arts and sciences. Anyone in the general public is invited to learn more about how brain health and overall well-being are influenced and enriched by the arts. Guests will discover the transformative power of incorporating the arts into daily living with evidence-based research, demonstrations and interactive activities. The day is designed for artists, educators, physicians, therapists, patrons as well as individuals living with neurodegenerative diseases and disorders, their families, and care givers. The conference will focus on theoretical presentations in the morning, informal reflection discussions over lunch and practical arts activations in the afternoon. Speakers to be announced.

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Neuro Arts Conference demostration

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Today: 2025-02-10 8:41 am

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