Saturday, March 29 at 9am
Picower Foundation Arts Education Center
$65 Registration Fee
Join us for an inspirational day on how the arts can play a pivotal role on healing and wellness. Featuring nationally recognized leaders in this ground-breaking field. Join the conversation on how the arts can improve physical and mental health as well as prevent, manage and assist in recovery from illness. Speakers to be announced.
Title | Name | Location |
8-9am | Registration | Persson Lobby |
9am-12pm | Speaker and Panel Discussion | Persson Hall |
12-1pm | Lunch | Dance Rehearsal Hall |
1-3:30pm | Concurrent Arts Activations | Persson Hall stage, Dance Studio, Classroom |
3:30-4:30pm | Reflections and Q&A Session | Persson Hall |
All programs, artists, dates, prices and details subject to change.